Tuesday, September 09, 2008

So long sweet summer....

I can't believe it is already well into September. You can certainly tell up here. IT was like September hit and it got cool right away. You can tell that fall is in the air.
So Pikes peak came and went this year. I had a friend that did this year. we were supposed to train together. I was sad that I couldnt' do it this year. but the fact that that was the weekend it snowed helped lighten the dissappointment a little bit. There is always next year! It is just crazy to think how much pregnancy changes you. Right now I am actually okay with the cooler weather coming because I want to put on sweats and big comfy sweatshirts.:)

I am so excited that the football season is finally here. It has been hard though having a whole new team! The first game last night went well. I am wary of making any judgements on how well they will do just based on the fact that the Raiders were terrible.

Well, here it is my 24 week belly picture with a little Bronco spirit.

...and this was a year ago........


Anonymous said...

You're looking cute, Debby!

Susan Kaye said...

Yeah for fall and cooler weather and football! And yeah for your adorable belly!