Friday, May 25, 2007


On Saturday I had a great day it was almost perfect. I got up and went to my swim class. We had a really good workout and my stroke has really improved. Then I came home relaxed a little got into the Word then I went for almost a 3 hour bike ride. I got on some of the trails that are almost clear now. Still some snow but they are looking pretty good, wont be long. By then I hadd made it home before the weather got real ugly so I showered up and finished my book while it rained and relaxed for the afternoon then I went for an evening movie. I was a great day. But I was thinking the whole time... ahh, I have to start working on Monday and be a real working person so i won't get many more of those. :(
Well, as you can see I did start training and haven't even had a moment to get on here and post anything since then. I am having fun though. We have been on the river everyday. Yesterday we did three runs on Clear Creek and I got to get on a guide the bottom part. It went really well for my first time on the stick. they gave us a couple of hours off this morning before we head to Ft collins for the weekend. I will be doing swift Water rescue training. Hope things go well and the weather is warm cause that water is NOT.

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