Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yes we are back now. Sorry to any readers for taking so long to let you know.
We came back on a Tuesday with jet lag and I started working Friday and didn't have a real day off until this week.
It has been a little tiring. So now we are back and we are right into the swing of things for this winter. The problem is that there is hardly any snow around here and it has been so warm they have been having a hard time even making snow! So now it is past Thanksgiving and there are still only 2 runs open at Winter Park. It has been so weird. Let me tell you my athletes love doing drills on the same run for 2 weeks...
Anyway, I updated the posts from our trip with the photos pertaining to that post so make sure you scroll back through to see some pics and here is a little slideshow of the whole thing.

Friday, November 02, 2007

There"s a place in India.....

where you can't see anyone! I know it sounds crazy but it is true. We went for another short trek the last four days it was to a place called Dodital (trout lake).
It was a beautiful hike and there was hardly anyone and long periods where we would not see a soul. This was much more my idea of trekking than what we experienced in Nepal. If you want to look on a map Go north of Delhi till you find DehraDun then go further north to Utterkashi then a little further from there is where we began the trek. We only had limited time so we made our first day a long one with a 23k hike to the lake. then we went up to the Darwa pass, a little over 13,000 ft. It felt like home!

Right now our trip is winding down. Tomorrow morning we will leave the Himalayas and head to Agra via Delhi on the train. We will spend our last two nights there and see the Taj Mahal, something have have wanted to do for a very long time. I hope it lives up to its name. Then Monday it will be back to Delhi to begin the long flight home. When we get home I will give the Bhutan portion and also add some pictures!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Stop the bus already!

We made it back to India to Moosurie but only after a long journey.
I had been thankful so far. Almost all the roads that we have been traveling on in this part of the world are very windy and I always see throw up on the sides of share jeeps and stuff like that but, thankfully, I had remained relatively naive to the experience being part of my journey. Well, that has changed. We left Pokhara on a bus bound for the border town of Sunauli. This is a 6 hour journey and we started with a very comfortable load of passengers, but....we are in Asia so along the way we continuously stop to pick up more and more and even more. So the bus is very packed which is fine but then all these Nepali people are getting sick! First the lady right across the aisle from Drew is throwing up into a little plastic bag, then some kid in the front is throwing up out the window and they are passing out bags. I could handle it for awhile and it even seemed like we got through the worst of it. There were no really bad smells because most of it made it out of the bus it was the sounds that were bad. Well, we weren't done. People continued to vomit later on. I can't even count how many people vomited during this trip but now it is strewn all down the sides of the bus and you can smell it when the bus stops and you don't have the breeze.
Apparently the bus driver is very used to this sort of thing because he just continues on the way. This was the most difficult bus ride to date. At least 20 pukers.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Nepal and other things....

So other than the part when I decided to head but a rock we have been having a really great time in Nepal. First, we went to The Last Resort and went bungy jumping on the second highest bungy jump in the world. Yes, I finally got to go bungy jumping. It was soo crazy. Wow that is quite the feeling!

Anyway, we were really interested in checking out this particular resort to see how they had done things for our ideas in Bhutan. The place was great. The next day we went rafting on the Bhote Kosi. Drew kayaked that one and I rafted and yes, I made it through the whole trip. After that we spent another day in Kathmandu and then made our way to Pokhara. Then, as you know (if you read this at all) about our trip on the Kali Gandaki. The last 4 days we went trekking in the Annapurnas. We did a trek called Poon Hill. It was very fun. I was actually surprised by how nice the tea houses were. You could order all kinds of food, they had hot showers... Not quite how I picture trekking but maybe that is because I think more backpacking. We have another day to rest here in Pokhara and then we are heading back to India. The Last Resort Poon Hill with our guide Fish Tail I am glad to know that the Broncos finally had a better game this weekend. I was beginning to think I might be glad I was missing all those games. The what is going on there? They finally are good and we are missing the whole thing! My mom has been keeping me up. My uncle has the connections so he got tickets for them. So my parents get to go and enjoy the World Series with my aunt and uncle in Denver. Ane the snow! I am missing the snow. Apparently it has snowed a couple of times now. I know it is going to be a shocker anyway coming from India and start skiing the next couple of days. Okay, I will try to tell all about Bhutan soon. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I was rafting in Nepal

Yep, that is the answer... When people ask about the new scar I will have on my forehead, that is the answer.
On the 15th we bagan a 3-day rafting trip on the Kali Gandaki river near Pokhara. I got to raft about 10 minutes when we came to a Class 4 rapid. Right before the guide told us about the rapid and what we needed to do not to get stuck in the hole where there was a big rock on the left. As we were floating into the rapid we watched the raftin front of us flip and then proceeded to do exactly what the guide had said we should not do. A very large reactionary wave on river right sent the boat straight down into a big rock on the laft effectively splattering all the people on the left side of the boat right into the rock. I, apparently took the brunt and got a large gash on the forehead just above my eye. Not as much blood as the last time and thankfully not the force of impact. I had to get out and we hiked up the small town that was nearby. There was a small clinic right there on the main road.
I got about 4 sutures for a cut that is about and inch.
Quite the experience. We hiked back down to the camp and stayed that night but the next day I had to head back to Pokhara, being that you are not supposed to raft with stitches. So, I am fine we got an extra day to relax here in Pokhara before we go on a short trek and then head back to Inida.


After Stitches

"Get the heck out of Delhi"

Okay, I know I am back tracking. since I didn't have a chance to blog early on I am catching up now. This should have been the first one of our trip.

We arrived in Delhi after our plane out of Denver was delayed over and hour and we only had a half hour layover in chicago to begin with. We barely made our flight to Delhi so needless to say our bags had no chance. we decided it would be easiest to just wait for our bags and then go on from there. Well that laft us in Delhi for three days rather that overnight. Traveling in Delhi is very difficult and we thought somewhat miserable. Anywhere we went people saw the white skin and it was attack time! How much money could they get from us. So, we decided our new phrase was "Let's get the heck out of Delhi". We went to see a couple of the sights but would get so sick of peopl all over us we were tempted to hide in our hotel.
We did, however find a very great guest house that was a reasonable price. The Wongden House in the Tibetan colony... very nice people it was a refuge.
And then we got the heck out of Delhi and escaped to the mountains of Darjeeling. What a contrast traveling here was ten times better!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Indian Idol

Okay, I know it has been awhile since I blogged but it has been really hard to do so through India. The internet is a little slow by the time I get through my email there is no time. So, I might try to do a few catch up blogs.

I begin with Indian Idol.
I just had to tell you about Prashant Tamang who invaded my life for weeks. Well, Indian Idol is a very big deal here. Especially when you are in the hills of Darjeeling district and one of the finalists is a lowly Nepali from Darjeeling. Everywhere we went there were "Vote for Prashant" signs. On our way in they even would stop all the share jeeps on the road to collect money to send in more votes. "This is unprecedented" people would tell me as they frantically sent SMS votes in during the final hours of voting. It came down the the final show starting at 9pm 3 hours after the voting closed. Everyone was wathcing waiting for the verdict, Prashant or Amit. Just after midnight it finally came Prashant you could hear all the screaming and cheering all over the city of Kalimpong. Fireworks were going off everywhere! Prashant Tamang the Nepali Gorkha is the new Indian Idol!
Well the following day consisted of all the school kids parading through the streets and dancing and celebrating in the middle of town. The bad part was the following day we were going to try to go to the river to raft but everyone took a holiday! The were no taxis to go anywhere and no restaraunts to get any food. Thankfully we were able to find a small little shop to get bicuits and juice and the equivelant of Raman noodles to make it through the day.
If you want to see more you should definately go and google Prashant. He's a big deal!
Posters everywhere!

The party the next day

Saturday, September 08, 2007

3 Days!

We leave in three days for our trip! Where has the summer gone? I cannot believe that it is September already and then when we get back I will be skiing almost the next day.
In case you don't know, we are on our way to Asia for two months. We will be traveling in the southern himalayas beginning in India. We are going up into Sikkim and then we will travel across Bhutan (so excited) and then back into India and make our way back towrads Nepal. We are going to go up into Nepal for a few days so we can see Kathmandu, bungy jump and go rafting on the Bhote Kosi river. Then we will go up north of Delhi, to the Taj Mahal and then home in November. We will probably be doing some more rafting on some of the rivers. Drew really wants to get on the rivers up there. So that is our tentative itenerary in brief. We are really excited to go and we leave on Tuesday (we're not scared to fly on 9/11 and it was cheaper).
I don't know how many opportunities I will have to give any readers an update on here but I will try at some point.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

"Glutton for punishment"

Yes, that is what he called me! One of my old coaches from ski racing and former Pike's peaker called me a gluttton for punishment after seeing me at the bike race on Saturday. I know, I know it is possibly partly true. Most people do rest after doing the Pikes Peak Marathon rather than going out to do a bike race six days later. I had to do it though! I couldn't hold myself back. I was in second in the series and if I didn't do the race I would have been taken out so I had to hold off the girl behind me. I didn't go out to win or anything I figured I wouldn't do very well, it was the King of the Rockies: Tipperary classic race, which is almost 26 miles of mostly great single track riding. However, I started up tipperary I started slow and continued to feel surprisingly well! I ended up 3rd in my division and held onto my second place overall for the series. Also, I won the "road rash award" and got a $50 gift certificate to the Wild Creek/Untamed. Yes, that does mean that I crashed again. Don't worry I have not bumped my head at all. Now to add to my skinned knee from Pike's I have a skinned elbow and side, I am a little bit of a mess.
Here are my pics.

Monday, August 20, 2007

I Did It!!

Yep, that's right I successfully completed the Pike's Peak Marathon! I took 3rd for my age-group! I had one crash on the way down but I took Matt Carpenter's advice and got right up and ran really fast on the drenaline before the pain set in.
I was surprised the whole time that my head didn't hurt any worse than it had in the last two weeks and probably even felt better (or maybe I just had too many other things to worry about) Well, I made it to the top in 3:50 which was 5 minutes ahead of my goal time and I finished in 6:05. I wanted to break 6 hours but considering that I didn't even know if I was going to be able to do it a week ago I was very pleased. I ended up 24th overall. Here are some pics of the day.

This is me climbing right near the top...

And now we get to run down! Feels so much better!

This is my third-place award.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Well, the doc said I could run! Under one condition, that I am very prudent and if I experience any vision/balance problems or headaches I must call it and not push. I just really hope that I don't have any problems and I feel great by Sunday.
I just am so darn competitive that it is my downfall sometimes.
So, up up and away I will go...only 2 Days 12 hours and 55 minutes to Pikes Peak.

Oh, today was my first day back on the river as well!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Yes, I suffered some other sort of brain disfunction back in March (other than concussion) and I signed up for the Pike's Peak Marathon. Yes, that is less than 4 days I am going to run up Pike's peak and not only that I am going for the round trip and running back down to make it a full marathon.
I don't really think I have trained enough but I am still excited and nervous and wondering about my sanity all at the same time. Also, now, there is this whole concussion thing. I think I should be okay to run but I am getting so many different opinions from people. Some think I should not try to do it 2 1/2 weeks after my concussion and others think I will be okay. I am going to the Doc tomorrow for my follow up so we will see what he says. I can't not do it!! I have to do Pike's and it has to be this year!
I know I may be crazy....please don't tell.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Only in Colorado

So I had to post this because Drew and I found so much amusement in it. When I was in the hospital they give you all these know so you know what happened to you and how to take care of yourself and all that stuff. Well, they gave us this sheet on concussions. What is a concussion and what you need to know and all that.

Yeah, sorry it is a little blurry... If you can't read that it says
--Avoid any activity (including skiing) that could cause a blow or jolt to your head for at least one week.

Yes that is right they had to include in perenthesis skiing. We laughed and thought only in a Colorado ski town like Vail would they have to clarifly that in the things not to do.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Wow it has been awhile since I have written in here sorry I have been so busy working. Well, I have some time now because I have a few days forced off of work.
Yep, Thursday when we were throwing boats onto the trailer at the end of our trip apparentlly I didn't duck enough and it took off my head. Well... at least it slammed my head into the trailer and then to the ground maybe. I don't really know I don't remember any of it. They had me on a backboard and an ambulance almost there by the time I remember anything. Apparently I didn't blackout but I was only A&O x 1 which means I was only alert and oriented to who I was. I didn't even remember the last 20 minutes of the raft trip or the fact that it was August until about the time we got to Vail Medical clinic. Well, there was a lot of blood for a very small cut of course, I only have two stitches in my head but it is very bruised and hurts. So, because of secondary concussion possibilities I am not allowed to do much for a few days, which meant I couldn't do the bike race today and I have missed a couple days of running for Pike's.
I am okay if anyone was concerned. My head hurts!

Saturday, June 30, 2007


My sister had her baby! I am an aunt for the fourth time. It took me awhile to get this post up. She had another beautiful baby girl on Monday June 25th. She beat out her brother and sisters weighing in at 8lbs 3oz and 20 inches long. I have had the privelage of being present for all but one of the births and that was due to a winter storm and we didn't make it till the next day. I am going to post some pics soon.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Yep, I got second in the bike race I did yesterday. I was very happy with this improvement over last weeks last place in the hill climb. Apparently I do much better when it is single track and I get to race up and down. Yesterday was the mountain circuit race in the Winter Park Mountain Bike series. I had been planning on doing my second Xterra yesterday but when I wnt to register for the race I couldn't get in because it was full. So, I did the bike race.
The really great part was that I actually won something in the raffle! I am one of the people who never wins anythiing. So they were getting down to the last three prizes and I finally won! Guess what I won...
A half-day raft trip with our competitor guide company. Oh, the irony. So, being that I spend close to every day on the river and I have done that trip at lest 13 times in the last 3 weeks. I traded the girl behind who had one a gift certificate. She had never been rafting and really wanted to go.

Well, in other news the guiding is going really well especially now that the weather is getting nice. I have actually had 3 really warm days on the river now!

Friday, May 25, 2007


On Saturday I had a great day it was almost perfect. I got up and went to my swim class. We had a really good workout and my stroke has really improved. Then I came home relaxed a little got into the Word then I went for almost a 3 hour bike ride. I got on some of the trails that are almost clear now. Still some snow but they are looking pretty good, wont be long. By then I hadd made it home before the weather got real ugly so I showered up and finished my book while it rained and relaxed for the afternoon then I went for an evening movie. I was a great day. But I was thinking the whole time... ahh, I have to start working on Monday and be a real working person so i won't get many more of those. :(
Well, as you can see I did start training and haven't even had a moment to get on here and post anything since then. I am having fun though. We have been on the river everyday. Yesterday we did three runs on Clear Creek and I got to get on a guide the bottom part. It went really well for my first time on the stick. they gave us a couple of hours off this morning before we head to Ft collins for the weekend. I will be doing swift Water rescue training. Hope things go well and the weather is warm cause that water is NOT.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Well, I made it. That is all I can say. The marathon did not go as well as I would have liked. It was one of those where within about the first 5 miles I knew that it just was not going to be my day. But I tried to get on pace and hoped that I would just run throuhg it a little and start to feel better... didn't happen. my stomach was hurting most of the way, my calves cramped like crazy and it just kind of hurt. So, I did not get my qualifying time :( Oh, well... I think I like the variety of triathlons better.

I am so sore. yesterday I could hardly walk because my calves are so tight. I definately wasn't this sore the other two times, i don't think. not even after the first one.

Friday, May 04, 2007


I now have already two days on the river this season. We went and ran Fraser canyon on tuesday. It was actually alot of fun even if it did rain on us a little. It was alot more fun than our Saturday run on the Colorado which was mostly flat with a few little rapids. I am enjoying it quite a bit. I don't know that I will be quite as crazy about kayaking as Drew but it is alot of fun. I think as I become more and more confident with my roll it will be even better. I rolled in the river for the first time in Fraser Canyon. I don't know that I would even call it a roll though. I got flipped over because I hit a rock sideways and then as I was upside down I was thinking I needed to roll but instead, because it was pretty shallow I pushed of my hands on the bottom. Ha!

Also, I am running my third marathon on Sunday. Yes, I am running Ft. Collins marathon again. So, today I am trying to do nothing but be lazy. It is actually kind of a perfect day for it because it is all dreary and trying to snow outside. That makes it easier for me to just sit inside and read or watch movies.
Well, my goal is to run a 3:40. So we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Yep, we are back. We came back early because the weather is lame. But, I suppose I need to start from the beginning.

We left last Tuesday and went down to colorado Springs. We had some meetings at navigators headquarters. We met with the Asia director to talk about some of our dreams and it went very well. Lets see what happens in the future there are so many descisions.
The best part, however, was getting to see all our friends. We saw Jake & Jamie, Aaron, Janice, & titus(what a cutie), Matt, Tye, Sheryle, LeighAnn... and Of course we stayed at tim and Amy's and stayed up too late talking. Miss all you guys.
Next day we headed down to New Mexico and stayed with Samuel, Susan, Meagan, Sam and Eleri. That was another great time getting to spend the evening with everyone. I can't believe how big Eleri is already!

We took a leisurly pace over to Arizona and stopped at some cool ruins. Of course, I like that stuff being an Anthropology major. This is the pic of Montezuma's Castle. these were ruins of the Sinagua people.

Xterra Triathlon
I know, I know the most exciting part... Well, we finally made it down to Mesa and the race venue and got the last little cabin right there at the sight. Mostly because Drew didn't want to drive all the way back in to mesa. So, have to say that I was a little nervous. Let us count the ways: 1)first triathlon ever 2)only trained about a month 3)first open water swim 4)hadn't ridden my bike outside yet...
5)Its a race!!
Well, when all was said and done. Things went well and I am hooked! I think I should be a professional and take on Jamie Whitmore and Melanie McQuiad :)
but really, it wasn't too bad for my first go. I got 14th over all and 4th in my agegroup. Now with some hard training and experience I should be able to imporve on that. Actually the bike portion was the best part of my race I 7th overall in the thta. So I am pleased. I guess I will put up some pics but they aren't very good. I am racing!!

Cheese! I am ready to go!

Swim, bike, run (after the takedown)

Well, after that it all went downhill. The plan was to go up and take an overnight into the Grand Canyon. But when we got up it was snowing on the rim. We didn't really want to hike.

That's us trying to look happy anyway.

So we just continued on up to Canyonlands where we were going to spend some time. woke up to a sunny hour later, big, wet, snowy blizzards! So...we continued on the Moab...pouring rain. We were very upset by this time. The whole point was to go away somewhere warm. so much for that. Being utterly depressed and defeated we just came home. Next day, winter storm warnings and a foot of snow.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Real Plunge

Yesterday was the annual Spring Splash at Winter Park. This has become an end of the season tradition for me as it is for many. I had to race to defend my title. I am a 4-time champion.
The Spring Splash is a race held on closing day at Winter Park. Competitors are pushed out of the start gate backwards then they turn around and rush into a bamboo jungle, then they race down through an obstacle course to the bottom where they fly into an icy pond and try to make it as far as they can (or not). The finish line is about 3/4 of the way across the pond.
This was pretty exciting. Rather than the normal small lip that you ski off right into the pond it was built way up. So, my regular method of just skiing right into it would rather drop me at least 7 ft. probably more which only allows sinking and not skimming. As Erik (brother-in-law and 7-time men's champion) and I stood on the launch we decided the only way to go was to pop the jump and try to fly as far as possible, then he tells me that I am his guinea pig. Great! I was the last girl to go and, of course, none of the other girls went for it or did anything but crash right into the water. So, I came guns blazing and launched! Crowds went wild because that was the first big one they had seen. you should have seen the faces. I did make it past the finish line aiborne and was only about 4 ft from the end of the pond.
I defended my title well and won $350 and a season pass (not sure what I can do with that since I am an employee). It was a fun day. Erik won as well, we like to keep it in the family.
Here is a little video clip. Unfortunatly it is not the best (not sure what my dad was thinking where he was standing). make sure you look hard when I go over the pond I kind of blend in with the snow and the crowd...

Well, tomorrow we are off to the south for a little warm vacation fun. We are heading to Albequerque first to see Samuel and Susan (Drew's brother) then it is over to Arizona where I will take on my first Xterra triathlon. Just a little nervous.

Friday, April 13, 2007

I took the plunge...

Okay, I got my hair cut yesterday. I got a little daring and they cut a little more than I might have wanted. Still deciding how much I like it. So, here are the before and after pictures.



So today I also did my longest run for my marathon now I get to taper! That is pretty exciting. My legs were hurting alittle at the end of my 20+ miles. But now I am feeling good relaxing after a good long run.

This weekend is the end of the ski season for all of us here in Winter Park. My athletes have their last race, the Loveland Derby. I will be going to that on Saturday and then on Sunday I willrace in the Spring Splash, an event that takes place at Winter Park on closing day every year. I have to defend my title. I will update you all after the events!

Oh, I almost forgot to put this up! This is the view from our front window...

Friday, April 06, 2007


Okay, here it is. I have been persuaded by a few friends to come back to xanga or to blog again. So here I am. I am taking over this blog that never really worked for both of us and making it my own fresh blog.

So, first I better rewind to tell you all what has happened this last year. Drew returned from Iraq in October and we decided it was a good time for a change to something we have always wanted... So, in December we packed up our house and moved up here to Winter Park in a week. Kind of funny how things just fell into place for us. We are living in the condo that I grew up in till I was about 9. I love being back home in the mountains!
Before we moved I knew that I could have a job coaching, so that is what I did. This winter I was an alpine ski racing coach for JIV's (11-12 year-olds). It has been alot of fun. I had a great group of kids and I love coaching! The only hard part is it makes me crazy because I want to race again with them...argh! Anyway, the season is pretty much to the end. We only have one day left that is a family party thing and the the end of the year awards and Derby next weekend. I can't believe how fast it has gone!
For the summer we will be staying here and working on the river as whitewater guides for MAD Adventures also known as Rocky Mountain Adventures. I am also looking forward to testing my competition skills in some Xterra triathlons and on Pikes peak. Thats right!! you heard me I got in to the Pike's Peak marathon! I am excited but some days when I am out running I wonder if I really am crazy. Oh well.

So there you have it. I am going to try to be better about keeping up on this kind of thing this year.

Oh. and if you stopped by please leave my a comment because I usually feel like nobody reads this thing anyway and that is often why I don't write. Later