Thursday, September 15, 2011

Getting Ready

Well we have been trying to make the most of the warm days we have left! It has gotten pretty cool here in the mountains but we did have some fun. On Labor Day we took Ashlyn out for some singletrack on her Strider. We weren't really sure how it would go. Well...she loved it! She was a natural and took it right up over rocks and balancing down the hills. She really didn't want to stop.
Posted some video of the riding on my facebook page.

She is also getting ready to run, run, run. There is a kids bike and run event at Xterra Nationals and Ashlyn is pretty excited. She is also excited for the trip to go and cheer for Mommy.
As for me... it is about a week out and I am feeling pretty good. Ready to race! Also, jsut found out that we will be racing with Lance Armstrong that should make it a even more exciting!

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