Thursday I went to Denver to pick up Drew from the airport after his trip to Bhutan. He had a really good trip they didn't end up meeting the king because he got called away by the head religious person (Je Kenpo) for some stuff before his coronation in the 6th. However, the queen of the fourth King had read the proposal and was very excited about our ideas. She set up a meeting for them with her staff for the Taryana foundation. They had a very good meeting and they all seemed very positive. Now it is a wait and see kind of thing.
So, that wasn't the fun part though. I had a Dr appointment and my blood pressure has been going up since the beginning of my pregnancy. Nothing else has really benn happening but the midwife seems to be a little concerned about Pre-Ecclampsia or pregnancy induced hypertension. My blood pressure is still not at the point where they say you need to be tested for it but because it has risen enough from my starting point they wanted to test me more. So, guess what that means! I got to do a 24 hour urine test and give more blood! Yes, that is right I got to keep all of my pee for a 24 hour period. Fortunatly we were already planning to spend the night in Denver but we weren't planning on staying until 2pm. Well, this is one thing to save your pee when you are in the comfort of your own home with your bathroom and such it is entirely another when you are staying at some friends house and running around Denver. I put an old Nalgene to good use :) Now we will wait and see if they find anything.
Well, I decided I needed to find out a little more about Pre-ecclampsia if this was a possilbe issue. Pretty much all the information says that there really isn't any prevention for this and there really isn't any treatment besides getting the baby out. Wikipedia says that pre-ecclampsia (toxemia) can be an immune response to some of the father's genes and some studies have shown that continued and frequent exposure to the baby's father's semen has been shown to reduce the risk. Interesting...