Monday, August 22, 2005


Wow! It took a little while for us to put another post on here. Sorry.

Things have been a little crazy and busy lately, but it is good. The people for Advance arrive this week! We cannot believe it is here already. Almost everything is in place for the first few weeks and we are busy doing final touches this week.

Also, I (Debby) am working part-time in the bookstore in the castle at Glen Eyrie. That is going well.
The brochure for the summer trips should go to the printer tomorrow! It will be a relief to have that huge project done as well as it is exciting to have a new brochure.

Please pray that this first week of Advance will kick off well. Pray that the Lord would be in it all and we would have a good start and some great teambuilding during our wilderness trip the first week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll really be praying for you as Advance starts tomorrow! I know, know, know that God has is going to do things above and beyond your expectations. Jeff