Wow! I just realized how horrible I have been at blogging this year! I mean I knew it was pretty bad and I am always thinking about a post I should do but I just realized how bad and I didn't do ANY of those posts! Ugh!
Quick Catch up! First the winter was spent figuring out that my ankle injury from the beginning of last year actually tore my ATL ligament so that it would actually pull away from the bone and I had fractured the end of my fibula and had a small tear in my peroneal tendon! Yuck so I spent time trying to get that healed through prolotherapy which after some research seemed to me to be a great alternative to an invasive surgery! So...not too much running and alot of swimming. In March we found out that Drew got a new job! Yeah (!) but also sad that he had to leave for some training for a few months. This new job also brought on relocation! I had to come to Sacramento in the middle of summer and find a new place to live and we moved here to Roseville, CA middle of August! Needless to say, all of that placed a little bit more stress on my life throughout this season so my racing didn't have quite the improvement that I originally hoped for but things seemed to turn out alright and I still had a ton of fun doing a sport that I love! Now that you are briefly caught up onto the race report!
Well, it came so fast!
The summer has been a blur with moving to CA and all of that thrown in
the mix. It was just Ashlyn and I for
the 10 hour drive across the desert for Nationals. Phew!
That was long just the 2 of us.
So happy that my awesome race crew, my mom and niece, Alyssa, met us
there. They had dinner waiting when we
arrived on Thursday evening.

I got a little pre race message cause my hips were feeling
soo tight and then we headed back for a relaxing dinner and evening at the
hotel room.
Race day came and we were up and at it to go set up
transition and get ready to go.
Swim 32:39 30th
So I was slightly distracted the gun went off for the pros
and I was noticing that a handful of the green caps (Age-groupers) went off
with the pros. They were supposed to
wait with….boom! Oh yeah, that is my
go! Off I went into the swirling kicking
chaos. It was a bit of a mad house to
the first bouy I almost had to start throwing feet and elbows to get people
off. Once around the first bouy I found
some space and tried to get into a good rhythm.
I had worked on my swim a lot this offseason and I have been frustrated
all season because I haven’t been able to see any results from that. But today it is all good because I have a new
wetsuit and that is definitely the ticket!
The swim seemed a little long but I was happy to notice as I was
swimming in that I was swimming right with a pink cap (pro woman) so that made
me feel like things were going all right.
Ran though transition and onto the bike.
Bike 1:48.18 16th Female, 7th
Amateur, 2nd AG
I got on my bike and tried to get my cold legs moving. I always have quite a few people to pass as I
head up wheeler canyon because I am a little slower on the swim. Legs were feeling cold and heavy which is
fairly normal for this race since it is a cool morning and cool swim. I usually just get the lags going and then
work out of it fairly quickly but today it seemed a little more than normal and
it really wasn’t working out. I was
still catching and passing people but my legs just weren’t quite feeling great.
One girl in my Age-group passed me in
the first canyon. I wanted to stay with
her but the legs were not havin it. I
was a little discouraged because she didn’t catch me till the very top last
year. For the top portion of the course I just had no idea where in the field I
was. I felt like I was out there all
alone and hadn’t seen many of the people I usually see out there. I wasn’t sure if this was good or bad and I just
tried to keep pushing my legs were actually feeling a tiny bit better by that
point. I came over the top of the course
and began the short descent and saw the girl who won my age-group last year. That gave me a little boost that I wasn’t
completely out of it as I passed her and tried to put as much time as I could
to hold her off on the run!
It definitely did not feel like my best bike but it still
wasn’t horrible. This time is a little
slower than last year and I know that I can ride that course faster had I been
feeling on top of it.
Run 57:19 36th woman, 26th amateur
So, It was a rough day but not terrible I think I fought
pretty hard while not feeling the best.
With that, I was happy to get on the podium 3rd in my Age
group behind my super fast competitors and book my spot for Maui . I was 21st overall woman.
It turned out to be a great and successful weekend! Thanks Ogden and Xterra for another great US
Unfortunately, I am not sure that I will be able to make the trip to Maui this year. After the move we are very low on funds. Unless someone has some extra room for me to stay! I would love to go and race but it is not always possible. I will be back.
Thanks so much to all my awesome support this year!
Bolle Eyewear, MORF Racing, Totally Wired Cyclery and Niner Bikes! Rooepic headbands for keeping me stylish and making awesome headware for those long runs! Mara Pacyga at Elevate Pilates and physical therapy, I miss you! Keith Sanders at Beaver Sports helping to make sure my Niner fit right!
Isaiah 40:31 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."